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Parenting Edition Episodes

These episodes are intended to help you focus on striving 4 more to navigate any phase of parenting with your children from pregnancy through their young adult life because let's face it, you did not leave the hospital with a manual. 

Bracha Goetz

It is important to expose our children to the reality of the real world. At times it is difficult for parents to be authentic and share the ugly truths of our world. Children's author, Bracha Goetz, writes books for parents to share tough topics with their children while teaching them social-emotional skills and how to be the best citizens of the world.

Catherine Harmon

According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, in kids aged 13-17 about 35% have experienced a relationship deeper than a simple friendship. Teenage Dating is a topic that is not always easy to discuss. It is scary to know that you cannot protect this precious heart from getting broken.

Paula Ferrari

We can choose our romantic partners. But one relationship human nature does not allow us to choose and/or control is who becomes our offspring. But one thing's for sure, you are theirs and they are yours. And the love that is shared between those hearts is incomparable to anything else.

Niki Spears

There are dozens of studies that indicate children of today are dealing with all types of issues. From anxiety to depression, distractedness, and peer pressure to fit in. It is hard to believe children so young can be faced with these issues. Even as adults it's hard to remain positive consistently. So how do we best support our children socially and emotionally?

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